Day 7/75 Hard

Today was a tough day for me mentally. I’m so used to Sundays being a day or rest. And often times utter and complete laziness. I’m talking don’t even change out of my PJs, binge watching garbage TV all day and ordering out lazy. So when I woke up this morning and realized that ummmm duh, no days off Ang…I was a little bummed. So I plopped my ass on the couch still in my PJs but only long enough to catch the Green Bay Packers game and then it was go time. Day 7 is on the books! Only 68 more days to go! ♠️💀❤️

✔️ Two 45 minute workouts

✔️ One workout must be outdoors

✔️ Follow a diet

✔️ No alcohol or cheat meals

✔️ Drink one gallon of water

✔️ Read 10 pages of personal development

✔️ Take a progress photo