No matter what life throws at me there is one non-negotiable and that’s this superfood right here! It’s my go-to EVERY SINGLE DAY without fail. And being the creative cook that I am I love to experiment with different recipes and ways to eat this bad boy superfood powerhouse. This is the current family fav…
x2 TBS Melted Coconut Oil
x2 Scoops Collagen
x2 Scoops Vegan Chocolate Shakeology
x2 Scoops PB Fit
A touch of water if necessary
Topping of your choice
Mix all the above ingredients together until you have a dry brownie batter type consistency. Divide into four silicone molds and top with your favorite cereal and pop in the freezer for 10-15 minutes. Some of our favorite toppings include carob chips, mini marshmallows and Annie’s Chocolate Bunnies Cereal!
x2 Cups = x1 Serving ❤️💛🥄🥄
Above recipe makes x2 Servings