Day 11/75 Hard

Today was such a fun day! Hunter was beyond devastated that his little cold prevented him from participating in the Halloween party scheduled for today with his friends. So I surprised him with our own party. Just the two of us. I managed my time well and got all my commitments in without stress. If you want to see my outdoor workout all done up as Pennywise drop a 🤡 in the comments below! Day 11 is on the books! Only 64 more days to go! ♠️💀❤️

✔️ Two 45 minute workouts

✔️ One workout must be outdoors

✔️ Follow a diet

✔️ No alcohol or cheat meals

✔️ Drink one gallon of water

✔️ Read 10 pages of personal development

✔️ Take a progress photo