My Little Secret

Time to let the cat out of the bag. I’ve been hiding something from y’all and you will never guess what it is! 29 days ago I woke up and decided right then and there that I was going to do the #75hard Mental Toughness Challenge by Andy Frisella. Yup, that’s right! In a year of absolute chaos and poor health I decided to take on the toughest challenge out there to see if I could really make 2020 my healthiest year yet!

For the last 28 days…I have completed 28 workouts at home, 28 walks outdoors even in triple digit heat (now y’all understand my plea for fall weather), I have read over 280 pages of a good old fashioned paperback personal development book, I have drank over 3,584 ounces of water, and for 28 days I have followed a nutrition plan, no cheat meals and ZERO alcohol!

Not every day has been easy. Matter of fact some days I just plain don’t want to do it anymore. I know I have a ways to go. I know the holidays will be difficult. But I am determined to succeed! I kept this between my family and closest friends up to this point because I’m not doing this for all of you. I’m not doing this for fame, notoriety or bragging rights. I’m doing this for me, myself and I!

Y’all, I’ve had the few friends I’ve told, tell me right out the gate that I will fail. There have been days when I myself, have felt like I might fail. But here I am on day 29 still going. Only 47 more days to go and I’m frickin proud as hell of how far I’ve come. I’m excited beyond words for the challenges I’ll face this next month and a half. When I say #noexcuses I mean it!!!

I would like to give the biggest thank you to my family for all the love and support these last 28 days! I appreciate your words of encouragement on the toughest days I’ve faced so far immensely! I could not have made it this far without each and every one of you!

For more details on the #75 Hard Mental Toughness Challenge go to