It’s been a hot minute. These past few months have been literal HELL ON EARTH and I wouldn’t wish any of it upon my worst enemy even if I had one. If you’re new here and scratching your head just scroll back through my posts these pasts few months to get up to speed.

Now that you’re all caught up…WHEW! It’s been a journey! One that was and still is TOUGH AS SHIT and that’s putting it lightly. Thank you to every single one of you who have reached out, messaged, called, texted, interacted with my content, etc. these past few months. It means the absolute world to me AND to my family. I APPRECIATE EACH AND EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU!

My heart is still healing, my mind is a mess but I’ve come far enough in my wellness journey to know that the self-sabotage and destructive behavior NEEDS to end. And it ends here and now.

I will have bad days; days where my grief will sneak up on me unexpectedly and take my breath away, but that’s ok and it’s a part of life! It’s my job and responsibility to navigate those situations in a healthy manor. Those unexpected surprises of heart wrenching, soul ripping, down on your knees hysterical moments are bound to happen. And the worst part…they’re gonna come at a time when I least expect them to. But I need to keep moving forward. I need to keep pressing on. I need to keep putting in the work even on the days that are hardest. I DESERVE IT! My family deserves it. I CAN DO THIS! I WILL SUCCEED! I AM STRONG! I’VE GOT THIS!

So with all that being said…let’s press play on day one of the programs I’ve started now three times over but haven’t made past the second week…645 here I come!!! Be sure to follow along for all the details of my journey.