Day 1/75 Hard

What started as an inconvenient headache turned into a full blown migraine today. I genuinely do not know how I got through the day. I absolutely had to keep the workouts low impact so my brains didn’t explode all over the walls. A little dramatic I know. But if you suffer from migraines than you also know. Anyhoo, today was not the kick off to the 75 Hard Challenge that I had planned for but then again that’s part of the challenge…managing life’s curveballs. I’m so so so flippin proud of myself for pushing forward and getting all required tasks completed! Day 1 done! Only 74 more days to go! ♠️❤️💀

✔️ Two 45 minute workouts

✔️ One workout must be outdoors

✔️ Follow a diet

✔️ No alcohol or cheat meals

✔️ Drink one gallon of water

✔️ Read 10 pages of personal development

✔️ Take a progress photo