Day 13/75 Hard

Those that know me well know that I am NOT a morning person and never have been. I am a night owl through and through and more nights than not I suffer from bouts of insomnia. But one very welcome side effect since starting this challenge is my sleep has vastly improved! I sleep like a dream and even wake up much earlier than usual. I definitely hope these changes stick around even after I complete this challenge because my family and I are digging it. Day 13 is on the books! Only 62 more days to go! ♠️💀❤️

✔️ Two 45 minute workouts

✔️ One workout must be outdoors

✔️ Follow a diet

✔️ No alcohol or cheat meals

✔️ Drink one gallon of water

✔️ Read 10 pages of personal development

✔️ Take a progress photo