Day 17/75 Hard

I feel like I’m losing my momentum. I keep putting off the workouts till later in the day and when I finally do make the time to do them I’d rather do anything but. It’s time for me to dig deep and push harder. I CAN and I WILL push through this slump. Day 17 is on the books! Only 58 more days to go! ♠️💀❤️

✔️ Two 45 minute workouts

✔️ One workout must be outdoors

✔️ Follow a diet

✔️ No alcohol or cheat meals

✔️ Drink one gallon of water

✔️ Read 10 pages of personal development

✔️ Take a progress photo

Day 16/75 Hard

I absolutely procrastinated with the workouts today. I’ll admit that. I ABSOLUTELY WILL NOT BE DOING THAT AGAIN! Because when you’re husband comes home from work to tell you that the out-of-town guests that were supposed to be arriving Friday are now coming tomorrow and you still have no water heater and therefore 🚿🧼🧽🧹🧺 hasn’t been done in almost a week AND you still haven’t done those NON CONSECUTIVE workouts you immediately go into panic mode. PSA to all husbands out there…DON’T DO THIS!!! Day 16 is on the books! Only 59 more days to go! ♠️💀❤️

✔️ Two 45 minute workouts

✔️ One workout must be outdoors

✔️ Follow a diet

✔️ No alcohol or cheat meals

✔️ Drink one gallon of water

✔️ Read 10 pages of personal development

✔️ Take a progress photo

Day 15/75 Hard

Happy Monday! Kicking off the new week strong. Getting food in was super hard for me today. I just wasn’t hungry at all. I hate days like these because it often leads to binging if I’m not careful. I’m being mindful of the situation, pre-planning as best as I can and hoping for the best. Day 15 is on the books! Only 60 more days to go! ♠️💀❤️

✔️ Two 45 minute workouts

✔️ One workout must be outdoors

✔️ Follow a diet

✔️ No alcohol or cheat meals

✔️ Drink one gallon of water

✔️ Read 10 pages of personal development

✔️ Take a progress photo

Trick or Treat Don’t Over Eat

Anyone else guilty of waiting till their kiddo was asleep only to sneak what starts as a couple pieces of candy to notice a short time later that you darn near polished off the whole bucket???

Every single Trick or Treat since Hunter has been born this was me. Every holiday season matter of fact. I would binge and overeat because after all Tis the Season! But I would feel immense shame and guilt immediately afterwards. I felt so much disgust for myself that I would wait for Justin to fall asleep so I could purge my entire binge session of candy or pie or whatever holiday goodies were around. Year after year the holiday season would repeat this cycle.

The holidays can be a trigger for me. That’s partly why I decided to do the 75 Hard Challenge during this time of year. I’m terrified of flying off the rails. The Hubby and kiddo are going to enjoy this year’s candy. This Momma is not gonna have a single piece. I am committed to this challenge and committed to my goals. If it’s too tempting for you to even have the candy in the house…then don’t have it in the house! Donate it, take it to work. Just get it out of the house. If you’re struggling with nutrition and what to eat, when and why to fuel your body and feel your best drop a 🍭🍫🍬 below or send me a DM and let’s chat. I’d love to work with you.

Day 14/75 Hard

Same meals, different day. Why? Because I am OBSESSED! Does anyone else eat the same exact thing day after day? Keeping food simple and repetitive just makes things so much easier for me. There’s less room for error and far less temptation to reach for something I’d regret. If and when I get bored I’ll simply change things up. Until then, expect to see this food a lot. Day 14 is on the books! Only 61 more days to go! ♠️💀❤️

✔️ Two 45 minute workouts

✔️ One workout must be outdoors

✔️ Follow a diet

✔️ No alcohol or cheat meals

✔️ Drink one gallon of water

✔️ Read 10 pages of personal development

✔️ Take a progress photo

Day 13/75 Hard

Those that know me well know that I am NOT a morning person and never have been. I am a night owl through and through and more nights than not I suffer from bouts of insomnia. But one very welcome side effect since starting this challenge is my sleep has vastly improved! I sleep like a dream and even wake up much earlier than usual. I definitely hope these changes stick around even after I complete this challenge because my family and I are digging it. Day 13 is on the books! Only 62 more days to go! ♠️💀❤️

✔️ Two 45 minute workouts

✔️ One workout must be outdoors

✔️ Follow a diet

✔️ No alcohol or cheat meals

✔️ Drink one gallon of water

✔️ Read 10 pages of personal development

✔️ Take a progress photo

Day 12/75 Hard

Well unfortunately I didn’t get all the house cleaning in again. But I DID successfully do a deep clean on the second floor. So I think moving forward I’m going to have to split the house cleaning between two days instead of cramming it all into one. At least while I’m completing this challenge anyway. Day 12 is on the books! Only 63 more days to go! ♠️💀❤️

✔️ Two 45 minute workouts

✔️ One workout must be outdoors

✔️ Follow a diet

✔️ No alcohol or cheat meals

✔️ Drink one gallon of water

✔️ Read 10 pages of personal development

✔️ Take a progress photo

The Unexpected Transformation

Do you get extreme anxiety when looking for your Halloween costume? Because I sure do! Always have! I was talking with some friends the other day about how I’ve never been the girl that puts the hoe in Halloween. I’ve always been the one to go the scary route. I realized as I was sharing that fact that it was because I was never happy enough with my body to go for the skimpy and sexy costumes.

Halloween 2019
Halloween 2019

Well let me tell you, the joy I felt when I put on my Pennywise costume yesterday almost brought me to tears. This costume is from a few years ago. And yes we absolutely recycle costumes in our house because frankly they’re just too damn expensive now a days! Anyhoo, back to the unexpected transformation…this costume is a size XL and when I purchased it two years ago it barely zipped up on me. But it was the biggest size they had so I went with it. You can tell in the photos I took how uncomfortable I was. Always trying to make the skirt fuller to hide how large I was in my midsection.

Halloween 2019 vs. 2021

Flash forward to yesterday and I am down two costume sizes and had to hold the back of the dress just so you could see my figure! These past few years haven’t been easy and I haven’t been perfect but I have remained consistent and determined and I am so proud of how far I’ve come! I can’t wait to see what the future holds as I continue to embrace this healthier lifestyle! Who knows, maybe I’ll even try that sexier costume someday. The sky is the limit and I have my sights set real high! Want to jump into this lifestyle and run alongside me??? Drop a 💪🏼 below or slide into my DMs and let’s talk options. I can’t wait to work with you!!!

Halloween 2021
Halloween 2021

Day 11/75 Hard

Today was such a fun day! Hunter was beyond devastated that his little cold prevented him from participating in the Halloween party scheduled for today with his friends. So I surprised him with our own party. Just the two of us. I managed my time well and got all my commitments in without stress. If you want to see my outdoor workout all done up as Pennywise drop a 🤡 in the comments below! Day 11 is on the books! Only 64 more days to go! ♠️💀❤️

✔️ Two 45 minute workouts

✔️ One workout must be outdoors

✔️ Follow a diet

✔️ No alcohol or cheat meals

✔️ Drink one gallon of water

✔️ Read 10 pages of personal development

✔️ Take a progress photo

Day 10/75 Hard

TWO WHOLE HANDS!!! Anyone else remember getting so excited to turn ten years old because it was two whole hands??? Well today I’m feeling that same level of excitement. Day 10 is on the books! Only 65 more days to go! ♠️💀❤️

✔️ Two 45 minute workouts

✔️ One workout must be outdoors

✔️ Follow a diet

✔️ No alcohol or cheat meals

✔️ Drink one gallon of water

✔️ Read 10 pages of personal development

✔️ Take a progress photo