The greatest life lesson I have learned so far as a Mother is having to release the guilt I carried (and still carry) over putting myself first. I would pour and pour and pour over and over again from an entirely empty cup and expect this most magical and miraculous life to just “happen”. Meanwhile dwelling on all the wrong and ugly I saw within myself that really didn’t exist. It was just a massive ugly and angry figment of all the nasty things I told myself over and over again turned ginormous monster of unworthiness and self-doubt.
The breaking point for me was the realization that if I continued in that manner, that would be the example I would be setting for Hunter. Talk about a wake up call! I was setting the very example I was trying to avoid and the cycle would repeat itself if I continued to put my own needs last. When I fill my cup first I am a better Wife, Mom, Daughter, Sister, Cousin, Aunt, Friend, you get the point. I am a better ME. And when I am the best version of me that I can be I am able to pass that along to others. So of any life lesson I have learned or shared this one is the most important of them all…fill your own cup first.